Thursday, July 18, 2013

A little advice from yours truly.♥

Alright, so I know I'm no "experienced MG" or anything, but I think 4 months is long enough to throw SOME form of advice out there. Don't worry, this post isn't me giving arrogant advice to waiter-haters; it's me giving sincere advice to anyone who might be in a situation that is like mine or sort of like mine. (Or is just stalking my blog and is wondering how I'm doing. Haha.)

So to start things off, I kind of thought something was wrong with me when Jordan first left. Why? Because I never really had a breakdown. I never understood it, because this emotional strength came from out of nowhere. Yes, I was pretty sad for a while, but I'm just going to come out and say that I think I handled it very well. =P And, despite the sadness, I have been doing better and better every day. SO! Here is my advice to anyone who has a missionary out in the field, who is away from a loved one, is currently in a long-distance relationship, or is just going through something totally new:

Make the most of it.

Seriously. That's it. I guess I should probably elaborate a little here though, right? I'll start by pointing out where my inspiration came from. There's a little quote that I've pretty much started to live by from Elder Wirthlin's talk a few years ago: "Come what may and love it." Here's the video for any of you who have no idea what I'm talking about:

See, so many people get so caught up in the destination they want to reach that they miss out on, well, life! Lately I've been trying to push myself out of my own comfort zone to experience new things. And let me just tell you, it's been great so far. I don't even know how to explain this to you, but the past four months have been both the hardest and the greatest months of my life. I've gained so many leadership positions, strengthened relationships, and developed a relationship with my Heavenly Father that I am so grateful for. I guess what I'm trying to say is that even though Jordan is gone for a little while, I've done my best to make the most of it. Life doesn't stop when hard times come.

So! Keep smiling, my friends. Because I will be doing the same. =)

Love, me.♥

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